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В ближайшее время с вами свяжется менеджер для уточнения деталей
SingerRuffler Gather Foot For Singer Slant 301 401 404 500A 600 700 Class 9410 4552ruffler gather foot for singer slant 301 401 404 500a 600 700 class 9410 45520 19961996RUB1996RUB
Ruffler Gather Foot For Singer Slant 301 401 404 500A 600 700 Class 9410 4552 в Минеральных Водах
ruffler gather foot for singer slant 301 401 404 500a 600 700 class 9410 4552
Gather your fabric easily with this neat presser foot- the Gathering Foot!
Gather your fabric easily with this neat presser foot- the Gathering Foot!Gather your fabric easily with this neat presser foot- the Gathering Foot!
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